
The evolving DPO-role in UK

What does the future look like for the DPO role?

Watch our webinar recording to understand the future role of the DPO in the UK and stay ahead in data protection compliance. Gain insights into the challenges organisations of all sizes will face, such as appointing a "Senior Responsible Individual" (SRI) or the compatibility with the existing requirement for DPOs under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this session, DataGuard’s privacy experts Ben Daley-Gage and Caroline Orie will have an open conversation on how to get ready and prepare for the upcoming changes in GDPR compliance. 


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Hear it from the experts

  • The evolving role of DPOs: explore the differences between the current and future role of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) considering the proposed changes, and how it may impact organisations. 
  • New challenges and obligations: discover the challenges and obligations that organisations may face when appointing a "Senior Responsible Individual" (SRI) instead of a DPO and learn how to navigate them effectively. 
  • Expert advice for compliance: gain valuable insights and expert advice on what factors to consider when determining the best approach for compliance with the changing data protection landscape. 

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