
21. April 2021

DataGuard Acquires MyLife Digital (MLD) from Inc & Co and Launches Consent and Preference Management Platform

The data privacy and information security company DataGuard has joined forces with UK consent and preference management platform (CPMP) provider MyLife Digital, adding a new solution to DataGuard’s fully integrated software suite and expanding its footprint in the UK.  

The new product offering, which will be called DataGuard Consent, is a cloud-based data platform that will be integrated into DataGuard’s all-in-one “Privacy-as-a-Service” solution immediately. DataGuard Consent puts people at the heart of their data. It gives them more control and helps build trust with the organisations they share it with – a critical component of long-term customer loyalty. Individuals can view the audit history of all the data an organisation has collected about them and have control over what is shared with third parties. 

Giving consumers clarity and control over the use of their personal data is central to most privacy laws such as Europe’s GDPR, Brazil’s LGPD or California’s CCPA. Regulatory requirements to allow users to manage their consent are reinforced by consumer and governance pressures. Consent and preference management is clearly a compliance requirement, but as consumers demand more transparent and ethical practices, it also becomes a competitive advantage. 

DataGuard Consent makes data collection part of the customer experience, only asking users for their information when it is really required so they are more willing to share their data  increasing opt-ins, boosting engagement, and improving compliance. The platform enables organisations to collect personal data, consent and preferences throughout the consumer relationship, and to host self-service portals across all potential touchpoints. It also has several revenue-enhancing, easy to implement applications for marketing teams to generate greater insights and data usage across their customer base. Via a flexible APIcustomers can easily link DataGuard Consent into their existing software landscapeincluding sales and marketing platforms such as Salesforce. 

DataGuard Consent centralises and synchronises an individual’s choices for data usage and gives a complete audit consent trail, maintaining compliance across most existing and upcoming regulatory frameworks which require consent (incl. EU GDPR, UK GDPR, CCPA, LGPD and the ePrivacy Directive). 

Thomas Regier, DataGuard Co-Founder and Co-CEO: “We are thrilled to welcome the MLD team into DataGuard. Together, we will expand their strong customer base and help many more organisations across the globe become privacy compliant and generate value through transparency and consent.” 

“The MLD team has built a best-in-class and highly scalable consent and preference management product that will be an integral element of our software suite allowing us to extend DataGuard’s capabilities into another crucial area of the Privacy UX”, adds Kivanc Semen, DataGuard Co-Founder and Co-CEO. 

Jack Mason, Group CEO of MLD’s parent company Inc & Co, says: “We are delighted to have found a fantastic home for MyLife Digital, whose technology empowers consumers to think ‘privacy first’ when shopping and doing business online. DataGuard & MyLife Digital have synergies that will create a strong leader in the privacy and data protection arena, and I’m excited to follow their progress in the coming months.” 

MLD Co-Founder J Cromack, who was awarded Privacy & Trust Champion by DataIQ in 2020, will become a key member of DataGuard’s leadership team. He says: “We are delighted to join the DataGuard team who have a shared vision and passion to protect the people behind the data. Together as one team, we now have the end-to-end data privacy journey covered for any organisation looking to enhance their data protection and privacy processes to gain competitive advantage. This is an exciting new chapter for the team. 

About DataGuard 

DataGuard is an all-in-one data privacy and information security platform. Over 1,500 customers use DataGuard’s end-to-end “Privacy-as-a-Service” and “InfoSec-as-a-Service” solutions to comply with regulations such as GDPR or attain and retain certifications such as ISO 27001 and TISAX®. Over 150 employees in Munich, Berlin and London enable our customers to operationalise privacy and information security throughout all their business processes – thereby driving compliance, mitigating risks, and generating value through trust and transparency. To learn more, visit www.dataguard.co.uk or connect on LinkedIn or Twitter. 

TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. DataGuard is not affiliated with the ENX Association. We provide consultation and support for the assessment on TISAX® only. The ENX Association does not take any responsibility for any content shown on DataGuard's website.

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