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10 types of cybersecurity for businesses in the UK

When you hear the term 'cyber security', what comes to mind? If you are like most people, the first thing they think of is hackers — and while hackers are certainly a part of cyber security, they are only one type of cyber threat.

It is important to know that there are many types of cyber threats out there. Cyber security is a broad field that covers everything from computer viruses to hackers to cybersecurity professionals who monitor networks and servers for intruders.

This article provides you with an in-depth knowledge of what cyber security is, the different types of cyber security, types of cyber security threats and why cyber security is important for organisations.

What is cyber security?

Cyber security is a field of study that deals with protecting systems, networks and data from cyber attacks. Cyber security professionals work to safeguard the integrity of data, while also protecting the confidentiality and availability of information and systems.

The first step in cyber security is to protect systems against cyber attacks by detecting, blocking and responding to them. The next step is to ensure that your organisation's applications are secure from both external and internal threats. 

Cyber security is becoming more important as the internet becomes more useful in our daily lives. Cyber criminals can use the internet to steal information from organisations or government agencies. When this happens, it is called cyber crime. The best way to prevent cyber crime is by having a good cyber security system in place at your organisation.

Finally, organisations must know how to prevent breaches from happening in the first place so that your organisation can maintain its current level of security without having to rely on costly preventative measures like hiring additional staff members or investing in expensive equipment such as firewalls.

What are the types of cyber security?

There are many different types of cyber security, and they can all be used to protect systems against cyber attacks. Some of the most common types of cyber security include:

  • Network security

Network security is the practice of securing information, data, and systems on a network. The aim of network security is to prevent unauthorised access to data or systems by restricting access and authorization. Network security includes physical security, logical access control, intrusion detection/prevention and audit logging.

  • Critical infrastructure cyber security

Critical infrastructure cyber security is the protection of vital information systems and components from cyber attacks, whether they be attempts to gain access to information or disruption of services.

Critical infrastructure cyber security is an important part of a company's overall information security program. It helps organisations reduce the risk of being attacked by hackers and other malicious parties, which can lead to financial loss and damage to public confidence in the company's ability to keep its customers' data.

  • Operational security

Operational security (also known as operational security management, or OPSEC) is the process of protecting information and resources from being stolen, lost, or disclosed. Operational security is an important function in any organisation, both to protect its own assets, as well as those of its partners and customers.

  • Cloud security

Cloud security is the security of cloud computing resources. Cloud computing refers to using software and hardware that is provided by a third party, rather than being owned or controlled by the user. Most cloud computing services are hosted on remote servers, which means they are not under your physical control.

  • Endpoint security

Endpoint security is the practice of protecting a computer from being compromised at its point of entry, which is usually the first device that comes into contact with data. This can be done by protecting and monitoring the endpoint with tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anti-malware software.

  • Mobile security

Mobile Security is a term used to describe the security features of mobile devices. Mobile devices are now common in many different aspects of our lives, from banking to shopping and even accessing your social media accounts. They do not just have the capability to access information but also have access to a wealth of sensitive data, making them a target for cybercriminals who are always looking for ways to exploit this information.

  • IoT security

The IoT refers to the Internet of Things (IoT). That includes anything with an embedded device that can connect to the internet. The ‘things’ include everything from cars and appliances to medical devices and household items.

IoT Security is the process of securing a connected device. The goal is to make sure that devices and data are not exposed or stolen. This can be done through a variety of different means, including encryption, authentication, and access control.

  • Application security

Application security is the process of protecting software applications from malicious attacks. The goal of application security is to make sure that software can only be used in the way intended by a developer, and that the software cannot be altered by an attacker.

  • Zero-day exploit

A zero day exploit is an attack that takes advantage of a previously unknown security flaw in software or hardware. These exploits are often used to gain access to systems and networks without proper authorization, but they can also be used for other purposes, such as espionage or economic espionage.

In general, any software that can be attacked with a zero-day exploit is considered vulnerable and exploitable. The attacker can then use the vulnerability to gain access to a system or data, which makes it possible for them to cause harm or steal information.

  • Zero trust security

Zero trust security is a new approach to cybersecurity that focuses on the idea that there should be no trust between systems. The idea is that every system should be completely trusted, and all interactions with other systems should be completely transparent.

What are cyber security threats?

Cyber security threats are attacks launched against a computer network by hackers. Hackers can take over your systems, steal data from it or use it to attack other systems on the network. Here are a few different types of hackers: 

  • Black hat hacker - An individual who is skilled that they can access the network of a company without permission and use it to their advantage. They do this by exploiting vulnerabilities in the system. 

  • White hat hacker - An individual who works with a company to find vulnerabilities and report them to the business so they can be fixed. 

  • Grey hat hacker - The most common type of hacker and they often work as independent contractors or consultants, which means they get paid to hack into other companies' systems. They are not employed by any one company and are often hired by clients on an as-needed basis.

Cyber security threats can be divided into two categories: external and internal threats. External threats come from outside sources such as hackers and malware that can infect your system without you knowing about it. Internal threats come from inside your organisations network, such as employees who may be selling information or using their access to the network for personal gain.

Now that we have discussed what cyber security and what cyber security threats are, let us take a look at the types of cyber security and what they mean.

What are the different types of cyber security threats?

Cyber security threats are a major concern for organisations. The following types of cyber security threats can help you understand how they work and how to protect your organisation from them.

  • Malware

Malware is code that has been written specifically for attacking computers or networks and includes spyware, viruses and worms. Malware can spread quickly through networks if they are not properly monitored or blocked by firewall software or other security measures in place on the network.

  • Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on a computer or mobile device so that they must be decrypted using a key provided by the hacker before access to them can be restored. This type of attack typically occurs when someone on your network has been infected with ransomware without knowing it.

  • Emotet

Emotet attacks are malicious software that targets computers and networks, posing as a common anti-malware program. It is meant to trick users into downloading and running it on their computer or network, which allows it to gain access to the victim's system.

  • Denial-of-service Attack

Denial of service attacks are malicious amounts of traffic that are sent to a server, causing it to stop functioning. These attacks can be simple and easy to execute, or very complex and time-consuming.

One of the most common types of denial of service attacks is called SYN flooding. SYN flooding is when an attacker sends large numbers of SYN packets to a victim's port, which can cause the victim's server to freeze up.

  • Man-in-the-middle Attack (MitM)

A man in the middle attack involves an attacker posing as a server and relaying information between your computer and the real server. This can make it look like you are connecting to an illicit site or service when in fact, you are connecting to a legitimate server.

  • Phishing

Phishing attacks are when someone sends out a link to a fake website in an attempt to steal your login information. Typically, they come in the form of an email that looks like it is from your bank, or a letter from the IRS.

  • SQL Injection

SQL Injection attacks are a type of attack that involves injecting malicious SQL code into a Web application. The code, which is often written by the attacker, can then be fired at the server, causing it to return incorrect results or trigger unexpected events. SQL Injection attacks are often used to gain access to sensitive information like credit card numbers or passwords.

  • Password attacks

Password attacks are the most common form of cyber security breach. With a password attack, an attacker uses one or more hacking tools to try to access your account without your knowledge. They can use software to try to guess your password or they can physically go through your home or office and take physical devices like computers or laptops that contain your sign-in information with them.

There are many different types of hacking tools that an attacker could use in order to obtain your password. One commonly used tool is called a "brute force" attack. This means that it tries every possible combination on your password until it finds one that works for them.

Who needs cyber security?

Cyber security is a basic element of any modern society, and its importance cannot be understated. Cyber attacks have become increasingly common in recent years, and they are happening all around us. Organisations can experience breaches at any time and when they do, it can mean serious consequences for organisations and their customers.

Cyber security is important for organisations because if their systems are breached and sensitive data is stolen, it can put them at risk for lawsuits and other legal issues that could seriously impact them.

What does the evolution of cyber security look like?

The evolution of cyber security is a long process, but it is one that will continue to grow and improve with time.

As technology continues to evolve, so do the threats that emerge. With each new platform or application comes a new opportunity for hackers to exploit and use against you.

The evolution of cyber security should look like this:

  • The first step is to ensure that your system is safe by using a variety of security measures, including firewalls and antivirus software.
  • The second step is to identify the type of attack and determine what is causing it. This can be done through analysis and testing.
  • The third step is to mitigate the threat. This involves fixing any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your security measures, as well as removing malware from the system.
  • The fourth step is to prevent future attacks from taking place. This involves implementing new security measures and technologies so that these issues are no longer an issue in the future.

The best way to protect yourself from these attacks is by being proactive. Make sure you know what your network is doing and how it is doing it, then be ready with the tools you need to help you manage those processes.

Why is cyber security important?

Cyber security is important for organisations because it can help prevent you from losing money, damaging your reputation and damaging the data you have of your customers. The best way to protect yourself from these attacks is to have a solid cyber security policy in place. A good cyber security policy should cover the following:

  • Have clear goals, objectives and procedures that are regularly reviewed by senior management and staff members.
  • Outline what information is considered sensitive and how information should be handled. Outline how this sensitive information should be protected against hackers trying to break into your network or steal confidential data.
  • Include guidelines on how employees should behave online while at work. It will also include guidelines on what type of equipment employees should use when working remotely (such as antivirus software or anti-spam filters).

Organisations are often very dependent on the internet and their networks for operations, therefore complying with cyber security is crucial for them.

What is the difference between cyber security and information security? 

Cyber security and information security are two different terms you may hear used in the same sentence — but what's the difference?

Basically, cybersecurity is the same as information security. Both terms refer to protecting your company's data from hackers, viruses, and other threats. Cybersecurity includes protecting your network infrastructure, like your servers and PCs. It also includes protecting your users' data such as their usernames, and passwords from being stolen by hackers.

Information security refers to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy of your company's information assets from unauthorised access or alteration. It also includes controlling how employees handle sensitive data on company computers or mobile devices.


Cyber security is a field that is constantly changing and growing. However, there are certain fundamentals that need to be understood and followed in order to keep your personal information safe. The first step towards cyber security is understanding the threat, which includes understanding how hackers can exploit your computer or other devices. Once you have understood what is at stake, it is time to take action.

 If you are interested in learning about other data protection standards like information security, read our comprehensive blog on how to get started with the ISO 27001 certification.

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