ISO 27032: Guidelines for cybersecurity management

Cybercrime remains one of the most significant risks organisations face today. ISO 27032 is a cybersecurity standard designed to help you tackle these challenges head-on. Complementing ISO 27001, it provides a framework to enhance security across all areas of your organisation.

In this article, we’ll explore the key cybersecurity controls outlined in ISO 27032. Implementing these practices through a risk-first, scalable approach can help you achieve certification quickly, cost-effectively, and ensure long-term resilience as your business grows.

What is Cyberspace according to ISO?

Cyberspace is an incredibly complex and diverse ecosystem. This web of relationships between people, programs, and physical locations supports the storage, processing, transmission, and service delivery of many forms of information.

For organizations to work in cyberspace, they require strong cybersecurity protocols to keep their data safe. Therefore, this ISO standard acts as a guide that helps ensure that your interaction with cyberspace is safer.


What is ISO 27032?

The ISO 27032 (ISO/IEC 27032:2012) is a cybersecurity standard that was created to protect sensitive data from being compromised during exchanges using hacking, sabotage, or unauthorized modifications. It provides resources for managing it within an organization and enables methods for safeguarding online operations and activities, including software & data management services. It also includes training the individuals who will be in charge of handling these resources.

Among its goals is to facilitate collaboration between entities such as CSF (CyberSecurity Framework) and to address gaps in prior regulations regarding cybersecurity.

ISO 27032 focuses mainly on 4 aspects, which are:

  • Information security.
  • Network security.
  • Internet security.
  • Critical Information Infrastructure protection (CIIP)

ISO 27032 was published in 2012, and currently the standard is being revised to include:

  • A ‘state of the nation’ overview of internet security
  • Interested parties with roles in internet security
  • A higher level of guidance on addressing more common cybersecurity issues
  • References to other standards for a more detailed look at risk management and security controls.

The new version of ISO 27032 will be named “Cybersecurity - Guidelines for Internet Security” and will be published in 2023.


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Why do you need ISO 27032?

As our reliance on Cyberspace grows, so does the likelihood that it may be compromised, making ISO 27032 a need for all organizations. ISO 27032 provides guidance for long-term process preservation and allows organizations to establish a policy framework.

ISO 27032 identifies and categorizes the processes within your organization that are most vulnerable to cyber threats, allowing you to take measures to protect your customers and other stakeholders. It's a great way to reassure your stakeholders that you are prepared for the challenge of dealing with any cyber threats that may arise.

In addition, ISO 27032 includes cybersecurity training, which teaches your employees the security protocols against phishing scams, cyberstalking, hackers, data theft, malware, and other forms of digital monitoring.

Although the goals and objectives of ISO 27032 may seem similar to ISO 27001, the focus of ISO 27032 is narrowed down to cybersecurity, whereas ISO 27001 focuses on the broader aspect of information security or security protocols in general.


What is the difference between ISO 27001 and ISO 27032?

Although closely related, ISO 27032 aims to provide a guide for cybersecurity through specific recommendations, while ISO 27001 sets requirements to establish an ISMS. In other words, the focus of ISO 27001 is your organization and its ISMS, while ISO 27032 focuses on cyberspace and is a framework for collaboration and addressing issues focused on different security domains in cyberspace. 

However, the most important difference is that ISO 27032 is not a standard that you can be certified in. It is a set of controls that should be implemented alongside ISO 27001 to help protect your organization in cyberspace.

What are the controls of ISO 27032?

A solid cybersecurity practice and the utilization of existing ISO 27001 information security controls are prerequisites for the successful implementation of the technical controls outlined in ISO 27032. If an organization is ISO 27001 compliant, the technical controls for cyber security will be easier to apply.

ISO 27032 introduces the following technical controls for cyber security:

  • Secure coding

The goal of secure coding is to ensure that the code that is being written is not vulnerable or susceptible to attacks from hackers.

  • Network monitoring and response

Network monitoring helps to ensure that network services remain reliable and available while also protecting against malicious activity such as distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) or software exploits. Network response helps to mitigate damage caused by these attacks by restoring services quickly in the event of an attack.

  • Server-level controls

This ensures that servers are securely accessible from cyberspace and protected against unauthorized access. This can be done by implementing strong authentication mechanisms on each server, implementing encryption for all traffic passing between servers or creating a secure configuration management system for software development lifecycles for all applications.

  • Application-level controls

Protect against unauthorized data edits by having strong authentication mechanisms on each application, ensuring that all data is encrypted with strong key management techniques, and requiring clear documentation of how data is stored or edited. 

  • End-user workstation controls

Protect the end-user infrastructure across organizations against known exploits and attacks. These controls can be implemented through a combination of education, training and awareness programs.


What are the benefits of cybersecurity management?

ISO 27032 encompasses the management of your cybersecurity protocols. However, if you do not already have a strategy for cybersecurity management in place, here are a few important points to consider.

Cybersecurity management can help to:

  • Protect the organization’s data and privacy from cyber threats - ISO 27032 is an effective cybersecurity strategy that safeguards an organization's private information and data from hackers and other cybercriminals. In addition, it offers advice on how to deal with widespread cyber security threats such as those posed to individual users' devices, networks, and essential infrastructure.
  • Strengthen your skills in the establishment and maintenance of a Cybersecurity program - It covers everything from risk assessment and information security management to incident response and business continuity planning. It also includes guidance on how to build a culture of cybersecurity within your organization and develop training programs that are able to help employees achieve their goals.
  • Build confidence in stakeholders about your security measures - Your stakeholders are increasingly aware of cyber threats. They want to make sure that their personal information is safe and not at risk of being stolen or lost in cyberspace. Therefore, organizations that take measures to improve cyber security will generate consumer trust.
  • Respond and recover faster in the event of an incident - In the event of a cyberattack, having cybersecurity processes already implemented will allow you to quickly respond to and fix the issues caused. This further prevents organizations from suffering legal issues and heavy fines linked to loss of information. 

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What can you do to manage cybersecurity consistently?

Once you have implemented cybersecurity measures and a strong management strategy according to ISO 27032, the processes must be maintained correctly.

Providing continuous training for employees ensures that they are attentive and know how to act in case of a cybersecurity incident. It saves time and controls the issue until it is resolved.

Reviewing and monitoring the implemented strategy also makes sure that each control is being carried out efficiently. If there are gaps in the strategy, regular monitoring allows you to fix them in time.

"Cybersecurity plays an immense role in the modern business world as we rely more on the cyberspace on the daily basis. Considering the latest statistics, the risk of security threats is increasing accordingly. ISO 27032 is a framework to enable stakeholders to collaborate on resolving Cybersecurity issues."


Build lasting security with a risk-first approach

ISO 27032 provides essential guidance for tackling cybersecurity challenges in an increasingly interconnected world. But real, lasting security comes from more than just implementing controls. By adopting a risk-first, scalable approach to compliance, your organization can achieve certifications like ISO 27001 and ISO 27032 more efficiently—and maintain security as you grow.

Prioritizing risk from the start helps you stay ahead of vulnerabilities, streamline certification processes, and build a security culture that evolves with your business. In cyberspace, where threats are constant, a risk-first mindset ensures you’re not just meeting standards but truly securing your organization for the future.

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